Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas break from Latin classes

This is just a reminder that we are taking a couple of weeks off from our study of Latin to devote ourselves to celebrating the coming of Christ! Saturday class will resume on Saturday, January 1 (kalendae Ianuariae). Class for the filiae Morris will resume shortly thereafter. Those who would like to meet for the Tuesday evening tutorial on December 28 should let me know by Sunday, Dec. 26.

New! Online vocabulary drills for Familia Romana

Discipuli discipulaeque -- remember how I've urged you all to make flashcards to help you learn new vocabulary? Well, I've just discovered that Focus Publishing, the American publisher for the Orberg Lingua Latina series, now has electronic flashcards for the first XXI chapters on their web site: go here. You can use these whenever you have a few free minutes to learn new vocabulary in the current chapter or to review words that should already be familiar.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Adult Class, Saturday, XI December

(ante diem tertium Idus Decembres: Septimontium Agonalia, Sol Indiges, Ianus)

Review in the College Companion the discussion of new grammatical and syntactical constructions in lectio prima of Capitulum Undecimum (XI Corpus Humanum). Then go back over the first lectio in the reader, looking for those new grammatical constructions in context. Finally, prepare the exercitia that correspond to lectio prima (I believe these are I-IV).

We'll pick up with lectio altera (II, part of which we read through on IV Dec.) this Saturday. Adeste!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Adult class: Saturday, IV December

(pridie Nonas Decembres)

This week we will begin a new chapter, Capitulum XI, Corpus Humanum. There is a lot to look forward to: Body parts! The horrors of ancient medicine! More fun with the third declension! A tiny peek at the fourth declension! No sign yet of the fifth declension!
What could be worse for poor Quintus than simultaneously falling out of a tree, squashing to death four pullos avis, injuring his foot, and losing consciousness? You'll find out, as soon as worried mater, Aemilia, sends someone to fetch the medicus (there will be blood!).

Just a reminder that what was the "Sunday class" is now becoming the "Saturday class." From now on, we will meet on Saturday mornings, shortly after the morning Mass. Unless you hear otherwise (have not yet received the go-ahead from On High), we will meet in our usual classroom in the parish house. The Tuesday tutorial group continues to meet Tuesday evenings, after the Mass, at Panera Bakery on N. Collins.

Venite! (Y'all come!) See you Saturday.